Continuing on with yet more Voice, I recently cutover to a new UCCX 12.5 cluster. As part of this cutover I had to build new UCCX scripts and setup a Finesse layout with custom call variables. Once I gathered the requirements from the business I set myself to task to build the new Finesse setup.

Here is how I achieved this:

1. Login to Cisco Finesse Administration and click on Call Variable Layout. Create a new layout.
2. Name your layout and here is where you configure which Expanded Call Context (ECC) variables will show to the agent when a call comes in. Finesse allows for five variables to show on the incoming call and then two columns of variables when the call is connected. In this example I named the layout CCC. Set your layout variables like so:
Finesse Layout

3. Launch the UCCX script editor. Open your script and then go to settings > expanded call variables. Create a new scalar string called ‘user.layout’. This setting controls which layout will be shown to the Finesse desktop. If user.layout is not configured then the default Finesse layout will be used.
4. Add variables to the script as follows:
Layout. String
CallingNumber String
CalledNumber String
Option_Selected String
DateNow Date
TimeCalledCameIn Time

4. Add the step Get Call Contact Info, configure variables for calling and called numbers.
5. Within your script you must have the step ‘Set Enterprise Call Info’. Here is where you configure the variables that will show to the agent. Add in CallingNumber, CalledNumber, DateNow, TimeCalledCameIn and Option_Selected. Be sure to assign them to the correct Call Variable number that you set in Finesse Admin in step 2.
Click on the tab for the Expanded Call Variables and set the layout that you configured in step 3. You must have a string variable to set against user.layout (we used the string Layout from step 4).

6. For the Option_Selected variable. Use the set step to overwrite the variable in different parts of your script. In this example I use it to set what the call type is going to be about after the user has gone through a menu.
Set Option
7. Configure an Application / Trrigger in UCCX admin that uses the script you have created.
You’ll now see the variables show on the call screen pop and the connected call:
Payment Support
Payment Connected